Spectrum Details
T3DB ID:T3D4318
Compound Name:Glycine
Derivative IUPAC Name:Not Available
Derivative SMILES:Not Available
Derivative InChIKey:Not Available
Spectrum Type:GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies) (3 TMS)
Splash Key:splash10-00di-7910000000-6c972a683dfb75b69331 View in MoNA
Spectrum View
Experimental Conditions
Instrument Type:GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies)
Ionization Mode:Positive
Chromatography Type:GC
Base Peak:73
Retention Index:1302.3
Retention Time:316.441
Derivative Type:3 TMS
Derivative Formula:C11H29NO2Si3
Derivative Molecular Weight:291.15061
Document DescriptionDownloadFile Size
MassBank Record (TXT)Download file2.03 KB
Generated list of m/z values for the spectrum (TXT)Download file1.45 KB
mzML formatted file (MZML)Download file5.91 KB
  1. Horai H, Arita M, Kanaya S, Nihei Y, Ikeda T, Suwa K, Ojima Y, Tanaka K, Tanaka S, Aoshima K, Oda Y, Kakazu Y, Kusano M, Tohge T, Matsuda F, Sawada Y, Hirai MY, Nakanishi H, Ikeda K, Akimoto N, Maoka T, Takahashi H, Ara T, Sakurai N, Suzuki H, Shibata D, Neumann S, Iida T, Tanaka K, Funatsu K, Matsuura F, Soga T, Taguchi R, Saito K, Nishioka T: MassBank: a public repository for sharing mass spectral data for life sciences. J Mass Spectrom. 2010 Jul;45(7):703-14. doi: 10.1002/jms.1777. [PubMed: 20623627 ] [PR010014 ]