Version |
Version of T3DB |
Creation Date |
Date the ToxinCard entry was created |
Update Date |
Date the ToxinCard was last updated |
Title/T3DB ID |
Primary accession number consisting of a 3 character prefix (T3D) and a 5 number suffix. |
Common Name |
Standard name of toxin |
Compound Type |
The category of the toxin |
Description |
Description of the toxin describing its composition and/or preparation |
Synonyms |
Alternate names of the toxin |
Chemical IUPAC Name |
IUPAC or standard chemical name for the toxin |
Chemical Formula |
Chemical formula describing atomic or elemental composition |
Chemical Structure |
Image of the toxin structure |
IUPAC approved InCHI identifier |
CAS Registry Number |
Chemical Abstract Service identification number |
PubChem ID |
NCBI's PubChem database identification number (if molecule is in PubChem) |
The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes identification number for the toxin |
UniProt ID |
The UniProt identification number for the protein toxin |
The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man identification number for the toxin |
The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest identification number for the toxin |
BioCyc ID |
The BioCyc identification number for the toxin |
SuperToxic ID |
The SuperToxic identification number for the toxin |
The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database identification number for the toxin |
Stitch ID |
The Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals identification number for the toxin |
DrugBank ID |
The DrugBank identification number for the toxin |
The Protein Data Bank identification number for the toxin |
The Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource identification number for the toxin |
Wikipedia Link |
Hyperlink to Wikipedia's encyclopedic entry for the Toxin |
Average Molecular Weight |
Molecular weight in g/mol, determined from molecular formula |
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight |
The sum of the masses of the atoms in a molecule using the unbound, ground-state, rest mass of the principle (most abundant) isotope for each element instead of the isotopic average mass. |
Solubility |
water solubility in mg/mL using ALOGPS solubility predictor |
LogP/Hydrophobicity |
Water/octanol partition coefficient determined using JChem logp predictor |
MOL File |
Text version of toxin structure in Mol file format |
PDB File |
Image of toxin's 3D structure in PDB format, calculated using JChem |
Canonical SMILES string corresponding to toxin structure |
Appearance |
Outward or visible aspect of the toxin |
Melting Point |
Melting point (if solid) or boiling point (if liquid) in degrees Celsius |
Route of Exposure |
Description of how the toxin enters the human body |
Mechanism of Toxicity |
Description of how the toxin works or what it binds to at a molecular level |
Metabolism |
The biotransformation of the toxin after it enters the body |
Toxicity Values |
Experimental toxicity values of the toxin. Usually LD50 or LC50 values |
Lethal Dose |
The dose that would cause death in a human being |
Carcinogenicity |
The level to which the toxin is invovled in the promotion of cancer or in the increase of its propagation. The scale displayed is the IARC Classification. |
Uses/Sources |
Description of how humans commonly encounter the toxin - how the toxin is used or in what products they are found |
Minimum Risk Level |
An estimate of the daily human exposure to a hazardous substance that is likely to be without appreciable risk of adverse noncancer health effects over a specified duration of exposure |
Health Effects |
The long term physiological deficiencies, damage or problems caused by the toxin |
Symptoms |
The immediate and short term physiological effects of the toxin |
Treatment |
Possible care provided to improve symptoms and health effects caused by the toxin (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury) |
General References |
References for the information retrieved for the toxin. Journal articles are hyperlinked to PubMed. |
Targets |
Substances that the toxin chemically binds to |