NameInward rectifier potassium channel 2
  • Cardiac inward rectifier potassium channel
  • hIRK1
  • Inward rectifier K(+) channel Kir2.1
  • IRK-1
  • IRK1
  • Potassium channel, inwardly rectifying subfamily J member 2
Gene NameKCNJ2
Amino acid sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0010179|Inward rectifier potassium channel 2
Number of residues427
Molecular Weight48287.82
Theoretical pI5.47
GO Classification
  • inward rectifier potassium channel activity
  • phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate binding
  • voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization
  • membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential
  • regulation of heart rate by cardiac conduction
  • synaptic transmission
  • cellular response to mechanical stimulus
  • protein homotetramerization
  • cellular potassium ion homeostasis
  • potassium ion transmembrane transport
  • magnesium ion transport
  • potassium ion import
  • membrane repolarization during action potential
  • regulation of resting membrane potential
  • membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential
  • positive regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transport
  • relaxation of cardiac muscle
  • regulation of membrane repolarization
  • regulation of skeletal muscle contraction via regulation of action potential
  • relaxation of skeletal muscle
  • cardiac muscle cell action potential involved in contraction
  • potassium ion transport
  • plasma membrane
  • voltage-gated potassium channel complex
  • neuronal cell body
  • Golgi apparatus
  • dendritic spine
  • integral component of plasma membrane
  • rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  • intrinsic component of membrane
  • intercalated disc
  • T-tubule
General FunctionVoltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization
Specific FunctionProbably participates in establishing action potential waveform and excitability of neuronal and muscle tissues. Inward rectifier potassium channels are characterized by a greater tendency to allow potassium to flow into the cell rather than out of it. Their voltage dependence is regulated by the concentration of extracellular potassium; as external potassium is raised, the voltage range of the channel opening shifts to more positive voltages. The inward rectification is mainly due to the blockage of outward current by internal magnesium. Can be blocked by extracellular barium or cesium.
Pfam Domain Function
Transmembrane Regions82-106 157-178
GenBank Protein ID833706
UniProtKB IDP63252
UniProtKB Entry NameKCNJ2_HUMAN
Cellular LocationMembrane
Gene sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0010180|Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2)
GenBank Gene IDU24055
GeneCard IDNot Available
GenAtlas IDKCNJ2
Chromosome Location17
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