NameReceptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C
  • CD45
  • L-CA
  • Leukocyte common antigen
  • T200
Gene NamePTPRC
Amino acid sequence
>lcl|BSEQ0009279|Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C
Number of residues1304
Molecular Weight147253.075
Theoretical pINot Available
GO Classification
  • transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase activity
  • protein kinase binding
  • protein tyrosine phosphatase activity
  • defense response to virus
  • axon guidance
  • peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation
  • hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation
  • cell surface receptor signaling pathway
  • B cell proliferation
  • negative regulation of cell adhesion involved in substrate-bound cell migration
  • negative regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
  • T cell differentiation
  • bone marrow development
  • positive regulation of T cell proliferation
  • cell cycle phase transition
  • T cell receptor signaling pathway
  • immunoglobulin biosynthetic process
  • protein dephosphorylation
  • negative regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity
  • release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol
  • regulation of cell cycle
  • positive regulation of antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway
  • dephosphorylation
  • positive regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration
  • positive regulation of B cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of stem cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of protein kinase activity
  • negative regulation of protein kinase activity
  • stem cell development
  • B cell receptor signaling pathway
  • external side of plasma membrane
  • integral component of plasma membrane
  • membrane raft
  • focal adhesion
  • intracellular
  • membrane
  • plasma membrane
  • cell surface
  • extracellular exosome
General FunctionTransmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase activity
Specific FunctionProtein tyrosine-protein phosphatase required for T-cell activation through the antigen receptor. Acts as a positive regulator of T-cell coactivation upon binding to DPP4. The first PTPase domain has enzymatic activity, while the second one seems to affect the substrate specificity of the first one. Upon T-cell activation, recruits and dephosphorylates SKAP1 and FYN. Dephosphorylates LYN, and thereby modulates LYN activity (By similarity).
Pfam Domain Function
Transmembrane Regions576-597
GenBank Protein IDNot Available
UniProtKB IDP08575
Cellular LocationMembrane
Gene sequenceNot Available
GenBank Gene IDNot Available
GeneCard IDNot Available
GenAtlas IDNot Available
Chromosome LocationNot Available
LocusNot Available
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